JDE Internet of Things Orchestrator

Just as JD Edwards' automation has helped organizations improve their business results, the step of simplifying how machine-to-machine (M2M) information is collected and acted upon in the context of an organization’s business process will enable organizations to further extend this value to their company assets, manufacturing operations, projects and services, and supply chain.

Welcome to the new world of the Internet of Things, where your machines, along with your people and processes, are all connected enabling solutions which were previously not possible.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Internet of Things Orchestrator
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Internet of Things (IoT) Orchestrator is built on existing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne interoperability architecture that is suited for Machine to Machine (M2M) communications. This product provides a familiar, modern platform for customers and partners to integrate machine information into their JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications. The JD Edwards IoT Orchestrator enables customers to collect, filter, analyze, and act on real-time data as it is being transmitted by IoT devices. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne customers benefit by eliminating costly manual processes, by reacting to—or avoiding—business disruptions in real-time, and by analyzing historical data for continuous process improvement.

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne IoT Orchestrator Studio is an intuitive, easy to use web-based application for creating orchestrations and the components that comprise an orchestration. Business analysts can use the Orchestrator Studio to design orchestrations that tie IoT devices directly to JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications, thus eliminating costly, mundane, and error-prone manual input.

Starting with EnterpriseOne Tools 9.2.1 and Orchestrator Studio 3.0, orchestration components created in the Orchestrator Studio are stored as user defined objects (UDOs) in EnterpriseOne. Each orchestration component type—orchestration, service request, rule, cross reference, white list—is managed as a separate UDO type in EnterpriseOne. This enables administrators to use EnterpriseOne administration tools for securing, approving, and promoting UDOs to manage the life cycle of orchestration components.

Excerpts from Oracle Corporation 

The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne IoT Orchestrator Studio and Cloud Service Integration video describes the newly-released JD Edwards EnterpriseOne IoT Cloud Service Integration and IoT Orchestrator Studio.

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