Mitchell & Associates Quest Infocus Trade Show
A big thanks to everyone that stopped by Mitchell & Associates booth #115 at the Quest INFOCUS 2016 Trade Show. We had a great time as always!
Here I am presenting Sherri Harris of OUC with her brand new Apple iPad from the this years drawing.
Hats off to Megan Smith and Katie Etcheverry for all for there support at the show. You ladies do an excellent job every year!
I look forward to seeing everyone next year!
Dwight Mitchell, Megan Smith and Katie Etcheverry at the booth.
Dwight Mitchell at the booth.
Cow Girl Katie at the Quest INFOCUS 2016 welcoming party!
Dwight Presenting at the "Break Out" session for JD Edwards One View Reporting for Financial Statements.
Gerry Goosen of Teck Metals, the winner of this years Apple Watch drawing.
Dwight Mitchell, PMP, OCP, OCS is the President and Founder of Mitchell & Associates, a leading service provider of J.D. Edwards Cloud, On-Premise, Infrastructure and Management Consulting solutions. The company is also a Platinum Level Partner in the Oracle Partner Network.