JD Edwards Blog

JDE Internet of Things Orchestrator

Just as JD Edwards' automation has helped organizations improve their business results, the step of simplifying how machine-to-machine (M2M) information is collected and acted upon in the context of an organization’s business process will enable organizations to further extend this value to their company assets, manufacturing operations, projects and services, and supply chain.

Welcome to the new world of the Internet of Things, where your machines, along with your people and processes, are all connected enabling solutions which were previously not possible.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Internet of Things Orchestrator
The JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Internet of Things (IoT) Orchestrator is built on existing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne interoperability architecture that is suited for Machine to Machine (M2M) communications. This product provides a familiar, modern platform for customers and partners to integrate machine information into their JD Edwards EnterpriseOne applications. The JD Edwards IoT Orchestrator enables customers to collect, filter, analyze, and act on real-time data as it is being transmitted by IoT devices. JD Edwards EnterpriseOne customers benefit by eliminating costly manual processes, by reacting to—or avoiding—business disruptions in real-time, and by analyzing historical data for continuous process improvement.

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On Big IT Projects, Small Rewards Matter!


The toughest aspect of big technology projects is not the technology itself; it is the human side. For over 20 years, I’ve been involved in multi-million dollar IT initiatives, and the absence of small rewards often threatens success.

One of the biggest traps is the assumption on the part of senior leaders that people are already being paid to do their damn jobs, so no additional reward or incentive is necessary when a big project comes along.

This is dead wrong!

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10 Tips for ERP Upgrade Success


ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) upgrades are mainly planned to take advantage of new technologies and software functionality that will allow the organization to align its business strategies. Upgrades are usually done voluntarily and is generally triggered by a need for expansion, consolidation, centralization or new functionality.


ERP upgrades is one of the important activities in the ERP software lifecycle and an efficient upgrade has a tremendous impact on an organization’s continuous business process improvement. Because it is such an important part of the ERP post-implementation stage, it is essential that organizations understand and succeed during these activities because a significant amount of time and money will be spent on the upgrade project. Lack of experience in your software upgrade partner or project manager will cause the costs and timeframe of the project to exceed what was budgeted. 


An upgrade is perceived to be a smaller project when compared to the first original ERP implementation, however the upgrade is still a major project and it will help the organization succeed longer after all the work has been completed.

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How to have Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Success: Change Management without a Techno Centric Attitude!

Question…… If you had to obtain open heart surgery, would you hire the best surgeon you could afford or the cheapest one you could find? If you are like most people, when it comes to your heart, you are going to hire the best surgeon you can afford. This same principle should apply to your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution, because it is the heart of your organization. Now if you don’t think this is true, have your ERP system go down for a day or two and watch your business come to a grinding halt, even with business continuance policies and procedures defined. Why? Because your business partners are also expecting to receive computer generated information from your organization via electronic computer interfaces.

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COLLABORATE 16 & INFOCUS 16 - Presentation Wish List - What Topic Do You What To Hear More About???


The best ideas come from collaboration!


Mitchell & Associates, Inc., Oracle Platinum Partners, is preparing for our COLLABORATE 2016 & INFOCUS 2016  presentations. We want to address the users' educational needs with relevant information. Are you working with JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, JD Edwards World, Oracle Fusion Applications, CRM On Demand, One View Reporting or BI Publisher? Do you want information on Cloud Solutions, Upgrades, Support, Financials, Application Strategy or any other topics that may benefit your company by saving you time, money or helping your users' achieve more? Share your wish list of topics with us and will create 2-3 education sessions of the most popular. 

Send Recommendations to; Dwight Mitchell - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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