JD Edwards Customer Satisfaction Letters

Mitchell & Associates is committed to providing innovative solutions and technological efficiencies that create greater value for customers. Our commitment is backed by more than 20 years of experience providing global information technology solutions to customers with best-in-class customer service. Year-over-year, our commitment to exceeding customer service expectations is most evident in the reference letters we receive and the surveys that are conducted.

Below is a partial listing of our clients.


ADT Security Systems Image Incorporated RIS Paper
American Bible Society International Nickel Sara Lee Foods
American Cyanamid Image Incorporated Schrock Cabinetry
Foundation of the Blind Liz Clairborne Showboat Casino
Bernard Chaus Merck and Company Showtime Networks
Calvin Klein Microwave Semi-Con Siemens Corporation
Devereaux Foundation Mutual Benefit Life Technical Wire
Donna Karan Mita Copiers Terumo Medical
Franklin Electronic MTV Networks Trump Plaza Casino
Guerlain Cosmetics Parfums Givenchy Twenty-One Club
Harbor Linen Prudential Property United States Testing
H.B. Fuller P&O Container Viacom International
Hilton International Rams Marketing Virgin Mobile
H&G Industries Rhodia Incorporated Weaver Popcorn


Ainsworth Electronic – Canada Cineplex Odeon – Canada
Mobil Oil - Africa AT&T – Puerto Rico
City of Zwolle – Netherlands Panalpina - Canada
Ashanti Goldfields – Africa Coca Cola - Puerto Rico
Roche Products - Puerto Rico Barcardi Rum - Puerto Rico
Fuji Photo – Canada Shell Oil - Africa
Braun – Canada Jordan Petroleum – Jordan
Stanley Tools - Canada Children’s Aid - Canada
Merck (MSD) - Czech Republic T.K.S Inc. - Netherlands


Last modified onFriday, 27 September 2013 08:25


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